Update to ClassCart Pricing Plans

Based on the feedback we received from our previous post, we have decided to not increase the ClassCart subscription price. Instead, on the 16th of September, we will be introducing a new lower plan for smaller schools and schools that don’t need all of ClassCart’s functionality.

The base plan will stay at $350/year, with the lower plan coming in at $150/year. The lower plan will be limited to a maximum of three teachers/assistants, and will have a reduced feature set, with the following features not available:

  • Scheduling
  • Ingredient Costing Links
  • Recipe Fetching From Websites

The purpose of this lower plan is to allow smaller schools to experience the benefits of ClassCart’s core offering - a streamlined, time-saving food ordering process - without having to commit to a higher price for features they may not need.

We will also be removing the $200/year pricing tier. We have kept this tier for many years as a show of gratitude to the earliest schools to use ClassCart and support us. As we move to update our pricing, we also want to take the opportunity simplify our plans and move all schools to one of the two plans.

To summarise, this is how these changes will affect you:

  • If you are currently on a $350/year plan, you can either remain on that plan and nothing will change, or you can opt to move to the lower plan at $150/year after 16th September.
  • If you are currently on a $200/year plan, on 16th September, you will be able to choose which of the two plans to be on. The $350/year plan will be selected by default, but you can change it.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us: support@classcart.com.